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The goal of PREVENT-AD (Pre-Symptomatic Evaluation of Experimental or Novel Treatments for Alzheimer's Disease) is to look for possible interventions that could delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In order to achieve this goal, the Centre for Studies on the Prevention of AD (StoP-AD) is assembling a cohort of individuals aged 55 or older who are at increased risk of later dementia as demonstrated by a history of AD in a first degree relative.
In addition to this natural history cohort, clinical trials are being conducted on subsets of this cohort. Current clinical trials include:
- INTREPAD trial (Investigation of Naproxen as a TREatment for Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease)
- Target enrolment: 150 participants who remain eligible through their 3-month follow-up
- Intervention: Double-blind randomized trial 220 mg of naproxen sodium or placebo twice daily
- Probucol proof of concept trial 1
- Target enrolment: 20 participants
- Intervention: 600mg of Probucol. Dosage will then be adjusted for each participant